SOS-Barnbyar works to ensure that no child grows up alone as every child has the right to belong to a family and grow with love, respect and security. Their close to 70 years of experience supporting children without parental care and those at risk of losing it, have given them a deep understanding of how to care for children who need someone and how to help prevent the breakdown of parental care. They do this through innovative and effective partnerships with donors, communities, governments and other organizations. 

In this hackathon, they are looking for solutions on how to improve the access to education for children who are most vulnerable.

READ THE CASE CHALLENGE HERE: How do we make education accessible to children who live in vulnerability?


In 2018, the global economic cost of armed conflict was $1.02 trillion. If we were to spend 10% ($102 billion) of the cost of conflict on preventing it, it could potentially be enough to achieve world peace.  So how can we help achieve it?
The Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society (Svenska Freds- och Skiljedomsföreningen) is the world’s oldest and Sweden’s largest peace organization. They are an association based on the premise that conflicts can be resolved without violence and that war can be prevented through collaboration, economic means and diplomacy. They work towards sustainable peace by spreading knowledge, forming public opinion and influencing policy and decision-makers.

In this hackathon, they are looking for solutions to create more awareness and empower decision-makers with key information on the global trade of arms, military spending, populations at risk in conflict areas. 

READ THE CASE CHALLENGE HERE: Hacktivism: Displaying data and accessing information as a means to challenge decision-makers in peace building


The world has suffered the loss of 48 million fetal deaths (also called stillbirths) in the past 2 decades - 1 fetal death occurs every 16 seconds which means that over 2 million babies are stillborn every year. More tragically, the majority of these deaths could have and can be avoided. 
SenseTive is an IoT (Internet of Things)-enabled smart pregnancy monitoring kit that is intended to reduce the uncertainties associated with the pregnancy experience. The expectant mother and her partner can be subject to unnecessary stress during the pregnancy period with common causes of worry including the lack of fetal movement or unexpected contractions. The objective of the device is to provide expectant mothers, their spouses and the family physician with the right, real-time data required to make an informed decision concerning the health of the mother and child.

In this hackathon they are looking for solutions to better monitor pregnancies in order to reduce stillbirths, assist mothers in having better control over their future babies' development, assist healthcare facilities in providing better prenatal and delivery care and contribute to societal wellbeing.

READ THE CASE CHALLENGE HERE: Preventing avoidable deaths by reducing stillbirths


The Sustainability InnoCenter is part of a larger European consortium providing guidance for implementing the next generation of urban sustainable mobility policies, strategies and data-driven solutions. The idea is to develop a framework that brings together perspectives of smart city managers, citizens and state-of-the-art scientific insights into motivation strategies for sustainable mobility.
Current frameworks for changing mobility choices do not fully take into account city requirements and citizens’ needs, rights and ideas for sustainable mobility governance while still offering state-of-the-art digital nudging methods.

In this hackathon, they are looking for solutions to help in the transition towards sustainable mobility in cities with questions like "How can citizens be engaged so as to use more bikes than other transport means in cities?, How can open data be utilised towards behavioural changes for sustainable mobility? What nudges, gamification methods or behavioural economics could be applied in order to make a shift from conventional transport means to clean and sustainable mobility (mostly bikes)?"

READ THE CASE CHALLENGE HERE: Sustainable mobility nudges based on open data and behavioural economics